for producing results . . .
The "Ultimate Result" and measure of any
carrying out their mission to achieve their vision.
- Public relations, effective and
is crucial to carrying out an organization's work
- Donor relations to maintain and
increase funding
- Government relations to maintain and
programs, projects and policies
- Media relations to reach out and
inform the public
- Event relations to educate the public
- Organizational relations both
with staff,
volunteers, between the CEO and board
and with other organizations and all their people
Relationships move an organization forward
to successfully accomplish
their goals through
strategies involving more effective planning,
fund-raising, advocacy, lobbying, education, outreach
and events using the
knowledge and skills of a professional
public relations specialist with such varied experience.
Contact: Al LePage, Consultant, Nonprofit PR Now
PO Box 2491, Eugene, OR 97402 / 503-335-3876